Sunday, September 26, 2010

Letter #1: A stranger

(If Your confused about this letter, Read my previous post)

I’m an observant person. I’m probably the one looking at you and your wondering why is she looking at me. The reason: I’m a curious person that’s why. I’m wondering where you have come from, what you do for a living, what your family is like, or what exciting things are you going to do today. I’m just that type of person. I’m the type of person who will probably smile and wave, and try to start small talk with you in the grocery line.
I truly believe that there is something to learn from each person I meet. Who knows you may have already changed my life, and I never had the opportunity to thank you. So, I would like to do that now, THANK YOU. When I was a little girl my parent’s car broke down in the middle of nowhere. There was this family who stopped drove 30 miles out of their way to the nearest gas station and brought us back food and pop while we waited two hours for the tow truck to come and haul us to the nearest town. You as a stranger didn’t have to do that for us, but you did. There are so many things that I can learn from you.
It’s not always easy to love someone you just met, but I’ve had the opportunity in my life to meet a stranger like yourself and love them. Loving and serving others has made all the difference in my life. So, if you see me staring at you or smiling at you come on over and say hi. I’ll be waiting and excited to see how my life changes because you left your footprint on my heart.

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