Friday, February 20, 2009


These past couple of years have been a nightmare for me. I have been poked and prodded so much I feel like a lab rat. I was first diagnosis with Interstitial cystitis and I had to have a cystoscopic examination. With this examination the doctor used an instrument to see inside the bladder and urethra. When they did this test they found that I had a microscopic cysts in my bladder that I had to get removed. The cyst was biopsied and came back benign. The doctor put me on a series of medication that made me so sick and dropped my iron levels so he took me off. After about three months and more test later he determined that I didn’t have Interstitial cystitis. So it was back to the drawing board. After this procedure I began to have more problems along with severe discharge and more pain then I could ever imagine. They referred me to another doctor. After much more testing they determined that I had a bacteria infection, but to make things even more interesting it was an unidentifiable bacterium. That means that when they looked under the microscope an they couldn’t see any bacteria, but when it was tested for bacteria it came back positive. So, more medications for me and my body does not like medication. While at this doctor visit the doctor wanted to rule out some of symptoms I was experiencing. So, she put me in a study for Irritable bowel syndrome where again I was poked and prodded for 6 months. During this study I had to have a colonoscopy procedure done. Where they found a palup which was removed and biopsied and came back benign. The pain never went away, and only intensified during the study. Due to my pain the doctor had me go through the tests for my gallbladder function which meant an ultrasound and hyda scan needed to be done (did I mention I already had the ultrasound done prior and there was nothing wrong with my gallbladder). My doctor was bound and determined that the pain I was experiencing had to be my gallbladder and we were planning a surgery for January. After agreeing to the ultrasound and hyda scan they determined that there was nothing wrong with my gallbladder… go figure. Well, after all these procedures I was so frustrated and felt like giving up. A month ago I met with my doctor for a consultation, and told him that I would just live with the pain. He talked me in to doing two more tests a gluten test and a gastro test of my stool. Well, of course the gluten test came back negative. I have kept a diary of my food intake for the past month. The stool test has been done and the results have come in. For now I will continue to be treated for my IBS and my doctor says the pain I have been experiencing may come from my Lactose Intolerance. I have never linked milk products to my pain before, but the throwing up after eating some milk products explains a lot. I haven’t met with my doctor on what my next steps will be in treating my lactose intolerance, but finally I may have an answer..... but who know's I have kinda lost faith in the medical field. Test are still in the works for my bacteria infection, but I am definitely on my way to getting answers. Thanks to my family and friends for all your support through this whole process. I’ll keep ya posted on what happens next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope things get better soon. If you need anything let me know. Love ya
