Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Life is not a matter of milestones, but of moments."


The thing that I love most about working with children is that they help you remember that the small things in life bring the greatest joy.  I don’t know what it is about watching children enjoy each moment, and how much happiness  they can get from playing with dirt, boxes, or other things that we as adults often fail to recognize.    Somewhere between being a child and becoming an adult we lose sight on cherishing the moments in life, no matter how small, that bring true joy.  As an adult we start to focus on achieving milestones in our life like graduating from high school, then college, getting a career, and then advancing in our career.  Of course there are moments in our life where we appreciate the “TRUE” joys like spending time with family and friends, appreciating nature, and treasuring those silent moments of peace.  I have also had opportunity to work with adults and the elderly population.  In the process of working with them I heard many people tell me that life moves too fast and  they wished they would have appreciated it more.  I have never heard someone wish they would have spent more time working or making money.  As a child I don’t remember stressing very much about anything, but as an adult I find myself stressing about things that don’t really matter.  Sometimes when I find myself overwhelmed with the stresses in life I like to find serenity in the beauties of nature.  It’s amazing to me how much beauty is around us, and how often we fail to recognize what our creator has blessed us with.  Yesterday morning I got up to let my dogs out, and as I turned to come back inside something caught my eye.  It was the most magnificent sunrise I have ever seen.  I stared in awe at the beauty I had just witness.  I thought how many people miss this moment?  I felt so lucky to have the opportunity that many others would not.  The thing that I love about sunrises and sunsets is you never see the same one twice.  Each day has its own magnificent beauty.  Beauty that in our fast pace world we rarely spend the time to appreciate.  I believe that we always have enough time, money, and energy for what is most important to us.  Disease, divorce, or death of a loved one are all jarring reminders about what really matters most.  Life happens and forever rushes forward.  But the present moment is what we have, so choose to be happy and love right now.  Don’t wait for the milestones to happen to be happy, because life is not a destination.   Happiness starts right now by appreciating the moments in life and fully embracing them.  It’s a choice to choose happiness and love, and it will never come to us if we are distracted or fail to recognize it.    

Crystal Angel

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