Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome Welcome 2014

2013 went too fast.  Last year I decided to do a tender mercies bucket list for 2013.  Although, I didn’t complete all of my list I want to share with you the things I have learned from completing some of my list.  The first on my list was to identify the person who has inspired me most in my life and write them a letter.  There have been many people who have inspired me in my life, but the person who has inspired me most is no longer with us.  It’s not shocking to many of you that that person was my grandmother.  She taught me more about life, love, and happiness than any person I know.  As I look back at my life I can see how the things she taught me has molded me into who I am today.  She passed away in 2006 and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her.  I know if I even become half the woman she was my life would be completely successful.  I love you grams. 
The second thing on my life was to meet five strangers on the street and become friends with them.  I have been able to get to know several new people this year and call them friends.  My life has truly been blessed by the people I have added to my life. 
The third thing on my list was to go deep into mother nature and experience a sunrise or set.  I can’t tell you how many sunrises and sunsets I have experienced this year.  I moved to McCall in April of this year and the beauty of this area has taught me to slow down and appreciate this magnificent life around me.  It’s amazing to me what nature tells us about life.  Nature’s beauty did not form overnight.  Nature teaches us to be patient and observant.  I’ve never experienced the same sunrise or sunset twice, it’s amazing how the smallest element of nature beautifies this world we live in.  Life is to be enjoyed not just endured. 
The fourth on my list is conquer my biggest fear.  This year I have learned to be more vulnerable to accept life as it is.  To be happy with who I am, and to communicate with others even though they may not like what I have to say.  It the midst of our darkest hour only then do we recognize our own strength.  I’m grateful for the person I am, the person I am becoming, and the path I am on. 
The fifth on my list was to resolve a past grievance.  I’m not gonna lie this was a hard one, and I’m honestly still working on it.  What I have learned about letting go of past hurt is it has opened me up to the greatest love I have ever known.  As I let hurt out I let love in.  I truly believe that great love heals all wounds.  I have had many discussions and therapy sessions over hurt and past grievances.  What I tell others is that letting go doesn’t mean you have to forgive the person who has wronged you.  It means that you have accepted the situation as it is, and have chosen to make it right for yourself.  Life is too short to allow our past hurt to hold us back from making the life we deserve. 
 The sixth on my list was to help someone in need.  I’ve never passed up an opportunity to help others.  Throughout the year I have had the blessing to serve others, and it has been the greatest experience ever.  The most unexpected moment was being able to help a veteran in the store.  I’m so grateful for the opportunities to help others, and to share moments of love with complete strangers.  I truly believe that what you give other life gives you back. 
Guess what I’m not perfect.  I was unable to complete 7,8,9, and 12 but they are still on my life bucket list.  One of the greatest things I have learned this year is letting go of my need to be perfect.  It’s been the greatest thing I’ve ever done. 
 Number Ten on my list was falling in love.  Early this year I talked about falling back in love with life and I have.  The other thing I have done is fell in love with an amazing man.  I’m grateful for my new husband and the things that he has taught me about life.  I look forward to our wonderful new journey!
Eleven on my list was go on a road trip.  This year I have been able to have many road trips and experienced those with my new husband.  The biggest road trip was going to Vegas to get Married (YEA) and California to meet my new family.  I’m grateful for the time I spent with those I love.  
2013 has brought many changes and by far has surpassed all my expectations of joy and love. I continue to be blessed with the most amazing family in the world. I married the greatest man I have ever known, and become a mother to the worlds most talented and beautiful children. I look forward with great anticipation on the many blessings 2014 will bring. Here's to the ending of an amazing year and the start to a new. skáld!  


Crystal Angel